Vision, Mission & Values
Statement of Philosophy
Since 1954, Second Presbyterian Weekday School has served children from all denominations. While the school has grown over the years, its founding child-centric philosophy remains firmly intact. The Weekday School early childhood program, infants through Kindergarten, implements intentional teaching ( thoughtfully using both indoor and outdoor environments to invite children to discover, problem-solve, create, document and share ideas) vs. directed teaching. With the teacher-child relationship as the foundation, the Weekday School uniquely develops the six strengths children need to navigate the future successfully.
- Attachment
- Affiliation
- Self-Regulation
- Initiative
- Problem-Solving
- Respect/Empathy
Through active, multi-sensory learning experiences driven by children’s natural curiosity and guided by teacher and group relationships, children at the Weekday School develop powerful learning habits, that create a solid foundation for the journey ahead.