Our Families
“Although children’s outsides may change a lot in the next decade, their inner needs will remain very much the same. Society seems to be pushing children to grow faster, but their developmental tasks have stayed the same. No matter what lies ahead, children will ALWAYS need to know they are loved and capable of loving. Anything that adults can do to help in this discovery will be our greatest gift to the future.”
Fred Rogers (Host of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood)

Our partnership with parents is an integral part of our program and helps us provide the best possible “first school” for your child. There are a variety of opportunities for parents to become involved in our school:
- Kick-off Parent Orientation
- School Wide Picnics
- Field Trips with 4s and Kindergarten
- Serve as Room Parents
- Share hobbies and special talents
- Parent-Child Nights
- Parent Coffees
- Plan Classroom Parties
- Assist in FUNdraising
- Educator Appreciation Week
- Assist in Art Studio
Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and caregivers are an integral part of our school community. We encourage all to share their unique skills and interests. From field trips (4s and Kindergarten classes), to help with documentation, gardening, and artistry, our school is stronger with everyone’s involvement.
We welcome you into our 2nd Pres Community of Lifelong Learners!