Fostering Creativity and Fueling Imaginations!
Our unique program stresses lifelong learning with a focus on supporting our innovative, emerging curriculum and raising imaginative critical thinkers. Our low child to staff ratio comes at a cost that extends well beyond our tuition. Funded entirely by our Annual Fundraiser and your donations, the Annual Fund allows the School to provide the services, supplies and many “extras” that go beyond basic care or elemental learning. These resources are critical as we constantly strive to improve the quality of our program. Reflecting our Reggio inspired roots, the Weekday School emphasizes cooperation skills, experiential learning and the inherent value of play – all in a caring and loving environment.
Please consider a donation to our Annual Fund by clicking the Donate button. Your generosity insures that our community will continue to flourish as we nurture and inspire the littlest lifelong learners!
An additional way to support our (your) school every time you shop at Kroger!
Register online at
- Click on “sign in” if you already have a Kroger Rewards account or “register” if you are new.
- After you have established your account, etc, click on “sign up today” and follow the instructions.
- Enter the NPO number: FB608, or select Second Presbyterian Weekday School from the list.
- You will receive a confirmation email from Kroger.